About Us
The Doncaster Omnibus & Light Railway Society was formed in 1958 by a group of local transport enthusiasts who would regularly congregate for trips to locomotive and bus depots and for slide shows at members’ homes. The potential of this informal group was recognised in 1963, when Doncaster Corporation’s Transport Department entrusted the town’s “last trolleybus”, No. 375 to the society’s care. Since then, four Doncaster motorbuses have also been presented to us by the local transport authority, and a fifth has been donated to us by one of our members.
Shortly after receiving the trolleybus, the society became involved with the creation of the Sandtoft Transport Centre, which over the years has become an established working trolleybus museum. This project and also the restoration and preservation of our vehicles are now the primary concerns of the society.
Regular social meetings for discussions and slide shows are still held on the second Monday of every month, the usual venue being Park Social Club, Eden Grove Road, Edenthorpe, DN3 2LN. These meetings normally commence at around 7.30pm.
During the summer months, we occasionally attend historic vehicle rallies with one or more of our buses.
Outings to places of transport interest are arranged from time to time and details of these and all our activities are circulated to members in our quarterly newsletter “Fleet-Lines”.
Many of our activities are operated in conjunction with the Felix Preservation Group and the Sheffield Transport Group, both of which are local societies with whom we share an enjoyable working relationship.
The Doncaster Omnibus & Light Railway Society is one of several constituent bodies, which work together to support the Trolleybus Museum at Sandtoft. As such we play a leading role in the operation of the museum and hence our members enjoy the privilege of being able to become members of the Sandtoft Transport Centre Ltd., at reduced rates.